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發布時間: 2021-03-01 00:54:50


外文名:WALL·E,全稱:Waste Allocation Load Lifters - Earth。




就這么過了幾百年,機器人收集了不少人造的物品,其中最讓它喜歡的是一盒錄像帶——芭芭拉·史翠珊主演的歌舞片《你好,多莉!》(Hello, Dolly !)。















Ⅱ 機器人總動員英文簡介

WALL-E (promoted with an interpunct as WALL•E) is a 2008 computer-animated science fiction film proced by Pixar Animation Studios and directed by Andrew Stanton. It follows the story of a robot named WALL-E who is designed to clean up a waste-covered Earth far in the future. He eventually falls in love with another robot named EVE, and follows her into outer space on an adventure that changes the destiny of both his kind and humanity.

After directing Finding Nemo, Stanton felt Pixar had created believable simulations of underwater physics and was willing to direct a film set in space. Most of the characters do not have actual human voices, but instead communicate with body language and robotic sounds, designed by Ben Burtt, that resemble voices. In addition, it is the first animated feature by Pixar to have segments featuring live-action characters.

Walt Disney Pictures released it in the United States and Canada on June 27, 2008. The film grossed $23.1 million on its opening day, and $63 million ring its opening weekend in 3,992 theaters, ranking #1 at the box office. This ranks the third highest-grossing opening weekend for a Pixar film as of July 2008. Following Pixar tradition, WALL-E was paired with a short film, Presto, for its theatrical release. WALL-E has achieved highly positive reviews with an approval rating of 96% on the review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes. It grossed $534 million worldwide, won the 2008 Golden Globe Award for Best Animated Feature Film, and the 2008 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, and was nominated for five other Academy Awards.

Ⅲ 《機器人總動員》這幾個字用英文怎麼說


Ⅳ 機器人總動員裡面兩個主角的英文名



瓦力(WALL.E)是電影《機器人瓦力》中的一個虛構角色,亦是該片的主角。他是一台虛構的型號為WALL-E的機器人,後來一見鍾情地喜歡上了新形異星植物探測女機器人伊芙(EVE,Extraterrestrial Vegetation Evaluator,但被瓦力叫做Eva伊娃)。









Ⅳ 求<<機器人總動員>>英文簡介


Ⅵ 對電影《機器人總動員》劇情的英文簡介

蟑螂 垃圾 機器人 拉手 跳舞 胖子 落淚 逃避 輪椅車 摩天樓 小燈泡 魔方...那一點一滴的細節詮釋的是淚痕 這個故事真的重一開始就在試圖告訴我們一些事,告訴我們要善待地球,告訴我們要用心去觀察世界,告訴我們,愛情原本很純潔... 在惡劣的生活環境中孤單地生活,僅有一隻小蟑螂陪伴 渴望同類.交流.愛情.依靠.. 在廢棄的影帶中,他沉醉於美妙的音樂中,他希望有隻手可以相互牽扶..這樣一個臟兮兮、破爛醜陋的機器人竟然因其頑強的生命力而顯得那麼可愛,而WALLE發出的簡單聲響,就像嬰兒般的笑聲,讓人感覺純凈而美好,它一聲聲呼喚起依娃的名字又那麼叫人心碎。 不管有多麼的科幻,但是卻有警示意義,如果人類不愛護地球,地球將最終變成一個無生命的星球 最後,感謝愛情;它使生命不再是循規反復的存在。 向創造美好的藝術家們致敬! Cockroaches spam robots handle tears escape wheelchair dancing fat skyscraper light bulb cube ... that little bit of the details of the interpretation of the tears of this story is really a re-start trying to tell us something, tell us to treat the Earth, telling us to observe carefully the world, tells us that the original was pure love ... In the harsh living environment to live alone, with only a small cockroach eager to accompany the same. Exchange. Love. .. On tape in a disused, he inlge in the wonderful music, he would like to hand pull each other Fu .. such a dirty, ragged ugly robot even its vitality and appear to be so cute, but WALLE issued a simple sound, like a baby-like laughter, people feel pure and beautiful, it soon as sound Calling from Eve's name and yet so Jiaoren heartbreaking. No matter how sci-fi, but there are warning sense, if mankind does not care for the Earth, the Earth will eventually become a lifeless planet Finally, thanks love; it makes life is no longer the existence of compliance again. Artists to create a better salute!


Ⅶ 誰能給我《機器人總動員》的概括,用英文,並且寫出翻譯

《WALL-E》是《海底總動員》(Finding Nemo)導演安德魯·斯坦頓(Andrew Stanton)執導的第二部動畫片,計劃於2008年6月27日上映。影片故事發生在2700年,由於人類無度的破壞環境,地球此時已經成為漂浮在太空中的一個大垃圾球,人類不得已移居到太空船上,並且聘請Buynlarge公司清除地球上的垃圾,等待著有一天垃圾清理完重新回到地球上。於是Buynlarge公司向地球運送了大量機器人來撿垃圾,但是這種機器人並不適合地球的環境,漸漸的都壞掉了,最後只剩下一個機器人還在日復一日的按照預定程序撿垃圾。顯然這是個不可能完成的任務。就這么過了幾百年,機器人收集了不少人造的物品,其中最讓它喜歡的是一盒錄像帶——芭芭拉·史翠珊主演的歌舞片《你好,多莉!》(Hello, Dolly !)!隨著時間的流逝,這個孤獨的機器人開始有了自我意識,它渴望有人來陪陪它。有一天一艘飛船差點落在它頭頂,一個漂亮的女機器人Eve來到地球負責搜索一些東西,撿垃圾的機器人「愛」上了Eve,但是它面臨著抉擇,是隨著Eve和飛船離開地球,還是繼續按照預設的指令把垃圾撿下去。當然它最後選擇和Eve一起離開,飛向太空,不過好戲才剛剛開始…… 影片片名「WALL-E」是一個縮寫,全稱為「Waste Allocation Load Lifters - Earth」,就是Buynlarge公司派往地球撿垃圾的那些機器人的官方稱呼。另外這部影片中還會出現真人演員佛萊德·威拉德(Fred Willard),他將扮演Buynlarge公司總裁,在動畫片中出現真人,這在皮克斯也是首次。

英:"WALL-E" is "Finding Nemo" (Finding Nemo) Directed by Andrew Stanton (Andrew Stanton) directed the second animation, which is scheled for June 27, 2008 release. Videos The story takes place in 2700, e to excessive destruction of the human environment, the Earth at this time has become a floating in space, a big ball of refuse, human spacecraft moved to a last resort, and the company hired Buynlarge clear rubbish on Earth, waiting for the day refuse removal End back on Earth. So Buynlarge to the delivery of a large number of robots on Earth to garbage, but this robot is not suitable for the Earth's environment, and graally are broken and in the end only one robot is still day-to-day proceres in accordance with the scheled garbage. Clearly this is an impossible task. So after a few hundred years, the robot to collect a lot of man-made items, the most it is like a box of video tapes - starring Barbra Streisand musical "Hello, Dolly! "(Hello, Dolly!)! Over time, this lonely robot began self-consciousness, it was eager to spend time with it. One day a spaceship landed it was almost overhead, a beautiful female robot Eve came to Earth in charge of the search a number of things, garbage robot "love" on the Eve, but it faces a clear choice, with Eve and the spacecraft to leave the Earth, or continue in accordance with the default command to go pick garbage. Of course it is the last choice and Eve leave together, into space, but the show has just begun ... ... video film "WALL-E" is an acronym called "Waste Allocation Load Lifters - Earth", is sent to Earth Buynlarge company garbage those robot's official name. In addition the film will appear in a live actor Fred Willard (Fred Willard), he will play Buynlarge President, in the cartoon appeared in a real person, which is the first Pixar.

Ⅷ 電影《機器人總動員》的英文全名


Ⅸ 機器人總動員用英文簡潔概況 不要超過20字母

這部電影的英文名《Wall•E》(直譯過來是「瓦力」,也就是主角版的名字,而Wall•E是Waste Allocation Load Lifter -- Earth-Class——地球廢品分裝員的權縮寫)不就很簡潔嗎?
實在要直譯機器人總動員這個片語的話,可能是Robots General Mobilization(Sorry,超過20個字母了)

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