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A system that transmits forces in a predetermined manner to accomplish specific objectives may be considered a machine. A mechanism may be defined in a similar manner, but the term mechanism is usually applied to a system where the principal function is to transmit motion. Kinematics is the study of motion in mechanisms, while the analysis of forces and torques in machines is called dynamics.
1. 一個以預定方式完成特定目標的,傳遞力的系統可以認為是一種機器。一個機構可以以類似的方式加以定義,但機構這個術語通常被用於一個主要功能是傳遞運動的系統。運動學是研究機構的運動,而對機器中的力和轉矩的分析則稱為動力學
Once the need for a machine or mechanism with given characteristic is identified, the design process be begins. Detailed analysis of displacements, velocities, and accelerations is usually required. This part of the design process is then followed by analysis of forces and torques. 一旦認定需要具有給定特性的機器或機構,設計過程就開始了。通常需要詳細分析位移、速度和加速度。在設計過程的這一部分以後,接著就是分析力和轉矩。The design process may continue long after first models have been proced and include redesigns of components that affect velocities, accelerations, forces, and torques. In order to successfully compete from year to year, most manufacturers must continuously modify their proct and their methods of proction. Increases in proction rate, updating of proct performance, redesign for cost and weight rection, and motion analysis of new proct lines are frequently required. Success may hinge on the correct kinematic and dynamic analysis of the problem.設計過程可能在第一個模型生產出來後繼續很長時間,並包括對可能影響速度、加速度、力和轉矩的元部件的重新設計。為了成功進行年復一年的競爭,大多數製造商必須不斷修改自己的產品技它們的生產方法。生產速度的提高、產品性能的更新、為了降低成本和重量進行重新設計,以及新產品生產線的運動分析等都是不斷需要的。成功可能取決於問題的正確的運動學分析和動力學分析。
Many of the basic linkage configurations have been incorporated into machines designed centuries ago, and the terms we use to describe them have changes over the years. Thus, definitions and terminology will not be consistent throughout the technical literature. In most cases, however, meanings will be clear form the context of descriptive matter. A few terms of particular interest to the study of kinematics and dynamics of machines are defined.

A new machine is born because there is a real or imagined need for it. It evolves from some one's conception of a device with which to accomplish a particular purpose. From the conception follows a study of the arrangement of the parts, the location and length of links (which may include a kinematic study of the linkage), the places for gears, bolts, springs, cams, and other elements of machines. With all ideas subject to change and improvement, several solutions may be and usually are found, the seemingly best one being chosen.
2 一台新機器因為有真實的或想像的需要而誕生。它從某個人用來完成一項特定目的的設計概念演變而來。從這一概念,引來對零部件排列,連接部件位置和長度(這可能包括連桿機構運動學的研究),齒輪、螺栓、彈簧、凸輪和其他機器元件的放置等的研究。在所有想法都受到改變和改進的同時,就會發現,而且通常就會發現若干解決方案,然後選擇似乎最佳的方案。
The actual practice of designing is applying a combination of scientific principles and a knowing judgment based on experience. It is seldom that a design problem has only one right answer, a situation that is often annoying to the beginner in machine design.
Design problems usually have more than on answer. Given a general statement of a design problem, such as a machine to wash clothes in the home automatically, and there will be as many different answers there are design teams—as attested by the number of washing machines on the market.

② 電腦的各個部件用英語怎麼說啊比如機箱, 顯卡等等

library 庫,程序庫
linkage 連接
to load 裝入,寄存,寫入,載入
location 存儲單元
logger 登記器,記錄器
loop 循環
machine language 機器語言
magnetic storage 磁存儲器
magnetic tape 磁帶
matrix 矩陣
memory 存儲器
message 信息,報文
microcomputer 微型計算機
mole 組件,模塊
monitor 監視器,監督程序,管程
nanosecond 毫微秒
network 網路,網
numeric, numerical 數字的,數值的
octet 八位位組,八位位元組
operator 操作員
optical character reader 光符閱讀機
optical scanner 光掃描器
output 輸出
overflow 溢出,上溢
panel 平板
parameter 參數,參量
perforator 穿孔機
peripheral equipment 外圍設備,外部設備
personal computer 個人計算機
printed circuit 印製電路
printer 列印機
printout 列印輸出
to process 處理
processing unit 處理部件
program 程序
to program 程序編制
programmer 程序設計員
programming 程序設計,程序編制
pulse 脈沖
punch 穿孔
to punch 穿孔
punched card, punch card 穿孔卡片
punched tape, punch tape 穿孔紙帶
punch hole 孔,穿孔
random access 隨機存取
to read 讀
reader 閱讀程序
reading 閱讀
real time 實時
record, register 記錄
rendancy 冗餘
routine 例行程序
selector 選擇器,選擇符
sentinel 標記
sequence 序列,順序
sequential 順序的
serial 串列的.連續的
shift 移位,移數
signal 信號
simulation 模擬
simulator 模擬器,模擬程序
software 軟體,軟設備
sort 分類,排序
sorter 分類人員,分類機,分類程序,排序程序
storage 存儲器
to store 存儲
subroutine, subprogram 子程序
switch 開關
symbol 符號
symbolic language 符號語言
system 系統
tabulator 製表機
teleprinter 電傳打字機
terminal 終端
terminal unit 終端設備
timer 時鍾,精密計時器
time sharing 分時
timing 定時
track 磁軌
transcer 感測器,翻譯機
translator 翻譯程序,翻譯器
to update 更新
Winchester disk drive 溫徹斯特磁碟機,硬碟機
working storage 工作存儲器

③ 機械專業英語 摘要部分翻譯,要人工翻譯,加分

Casting technology is thin belt metallurgical materials research field is one of the leading technology, e to its unique advantages which has received worldwide attention and research, and has obtained the bubble hot to replace the traditional method of stable position. Despite its many advantages, but because the mold casting parts, and relatively strong directional rolling section and cannot fully broken columnar crystal and dendrite casting process, therefore, to form bulky columnar crystal slab, mechanical properties of anisotropic serious, deep drawing of hot rolled strip below. Based on the vibration can be refined grains, improve internal organizational performance with thin, and so on will exert crystallizer of mechanical vibration to fine grains process into aluminum casting billet with double roller in the proction. This paper puts forward a new concept of casting process, it is the vibration of a thin with proction process, it is important to expand and improve casting alloy casting proctivity varieties of great significance, to be positive development.
Considering the particularity and environment to melt the complexity, the finite element software cast-rolling area of temperature field simulation and experimental research, through the analysis of the concrete casting process parameters on the effect, the influence of the main aspects of the research work:
1. According to calculation of vibration cast-rolling area of molten pool established the mathematical model of temperature field, and puts forward some specific boundary conditions.
2 cast-rolling area of the aluminum liquid 3-d numerical simulation method, using the equivalent heat treatment freezing.
3 in the simulation results of analysis and study of the different parameters such as temperature, the vibration frequency, casting roll casting speed of temperature field and the influence law, thereby DengWenXian for the best part of the test of casting process environment laid a theoretical foundation.
4 a concrete analysis of the existing vibration rolling machine, some defects, through the optimization of rolling machine, for a better test made ready.
By numerical simulation to determine the optimum parameters of the vibration cast-rolling reference in electronic experiment research, and casting out the microscope, the thin tape analyzed different process parameters of grain shape and the influence law of grain, and for the future of the casting test made good.
6 comprehensive consideration of the numerical simulation and experiment results, a kind of casting process parameters, and the vibration roll casting process with the vibration on the surface quality of thin and grain size of contrast. In order to determine the vibration of the casting process of mechanical properties of thin, tensile test of vibration test and compared, and the conclusion.
This subject has proposed a new vibration roll, the concept of using a numerical simulation and experiment to research the process of casting thin with grain and performance of this process, determine the superiority of instrial proction, established the necessary foundation.

Keywords vibration casting, Double roller, Temperature field, Numerical simulation, Grain, Thin belt

④ 這台機器是由上百個部件組成的英語怎麼翻譯

The machine is combined from nearly one hundred components.

⑤ 機械英語翻譯

動力學的一個主要目標將創造(design)the 渴望了附屬的機械零件的行動和數學上然專後計算那些行動將創造屬在零件的位置、速度, 和加速度。因為, 為了多數局限於土地的機械systems?the 大量遺骸的常數以time?defining 加速度作為時間功能並且然後根本上定義動態力量作為時間功能。重音, 反之, 將是被應用的和慣性(ma 的) 作用力量。因為工程設計被充電以創造不會無法在他們期望的產品使用期限期間的系統, 目標是保留重音在可接受的極限內為材料被選擇和環境狀況遇到。這明顯地要求, 所有系統力量被定義和被保留在渴望的極限內。在行動的機械(唯一的興趣的種類), 大規模兵力遇到經常是那些由於機器的動力學。這些動態力量與加速度, 是比例帶來我們回到動力學, 機械設計的基礎。非常基本和早期決定設計過程介入運動學原則可能是關鍵的對任一個機械設計的成功。有粗劣的動力學的設計將證明麻煩和非常將執行得。

⑥ 機械類英語翻譯


envelope在機械上,是個技術性的詞彙,指機械或其它設備的性能范圍,或者功用極限,特別是在短語push the envelope中;另外在機械上還有包絡的意思,比如addenm envelope指齒頂包絡面(螺旋齒輪的)。
在第二句中,語序應該是這樣的 the part proction envelopes etc must be maintained,however (the) equipment (is)less critical

信封, 紙袋; 封[外]皮; 包封[皮, 裝]

外[機]殼, 殼層; 包(圍)層, 爐牆, 圍砌; (電子射線管)泡

【數】包跡[線], 包絡(線, 面), 方框(圖)

【航空】氣囊;【天】包層;【生】, 包被

floral envelope

flight envelope

nuclear envelope

Self-addressed stamped envelope.

damp-proofing for outer envelope

An enveloping sheath or envelope.

⑦ 機械英語翻譯

1-4 applicatl0ns 0f運動學切除的首要任務,解決任何機械設計中的問題,是如何確定的運動學 外形( s )需要提供預期的議案. 力和應力分析,一般不能這樣做,直到運動學問題已經得到解決. 這個文本的地址設計的運動裝置,如掛鉤,凸輪和齒輪. 每個這些條款將完全確定接替章節 但它可能有用,顯示一些例子運動學應用在這介紹性的一章. 你可能已經多次利用這些系統沒有給予任何考慮到自己的運動. 幾乎任何機器或裝置,動作包含一個或更多的運動元素,如聯系,凸輪,齒輪,皮帶,鐵鏈. 你的自行車是簡單的例子,一個運動系統,包含著鏈傳動提供扭矩乘法和簡單 電纜操作桿剎車. 一輛汽車包含更多的實例運動器材. 其轉向系統,車輪懸架,活塞發動機都包含聯系; 該發動機閥門打開的照片; 而傳染是充滿齒輪. 即使windshield wipers是連鎖主導. 圖l香格里拉顯示了空間連桿來控制後輪運動fl現代汽車超過疙瘩. 圖1-1例子運動學裝置一般使用的施工設備,如拖拉機,起重機 與折沖都使用廣泛的聯系,在他們的設計. 數字l - 1b顯示了小鏟,這是連鎖驅動液壓缸. 另一個應用的聯系,也就是運動器材如圖1-1丙 例如在圖1-1是所有消費品中,你可能遇到在你的生活游記. 其他許多運動的例子發生在境界生產資料--機器的採用,使許多消費者的產品,我們 使用. 你是不太可能遇到這些外面的廠區環境. 一旦你熟悉的術語和原則運動學 你不再能看看任何機器或產品沒有看到它的動態方面.

⑧ 機器用英語怎麼說


⑨ 機械英語,求翻譯。

Three, equipment structure:

The machine mainly includes the following equipment (pictured)

1. The host (extruder)

Including the transmission part, barrel and screw, machine tube heater etc.

2. Head

Mainly by the connector (including filter part), tubes, die (film width adjustment and extrusion film thickness regulation) and head heater etc.

Compound machine with high temperature, generally for 300 ~ 350 ℃.

3. The cloth-extending system:

The cloth-extending system for a single fixed axis type and fixed al axle type, according to the actual situation of the reasonable configuration.

4. Composite device:

Composite device is mainly include two silicon rubber roller, pressure roller, cooling steel cooling steel roller, two stripping cooling roller, hydraulic system and cooling circulation system, etc.

5. Trimming device:

Mainly by the knife blade and composed.

6. Winding or punching, ruffled, cutting device.

6a. 卷取裝置主要由卷取輥、傳動部分和力矩電機組成。
6 a. Coiling device mainly by the winding roller, transmission parts and torque motor composition.

6b. 打孔、折邊、裁切
6 b, punching, ruffled, cutting

6 b. 1 holing can move up and down by device is mainly of holing needle axis and the fixed neoprene roller composition.

6 b... 2 ruffled device is mainly by inside the frame and elastic layering composition.

6 b. 3 cutting device is mainly by drawing roller, cutting knife, knives, exchange and transmission gear system, etc.

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