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发布时间: 2021-03-09 15:10:46


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❷ 我想知道未来的机器人能做什么的英语

I wonder what the future robots can do. 或者是I want to know what future robots can do.

❸ 机器人能做许多事情的英文

be able to

❹ 机器人的功能英语

机器人的功能:The function of the robot

❺ 机器人能做什么事用英语!急阿

服务机器人可以为您治病保健、保洁保安;水下机器人可以帮助打捞沉船、铺设电缆;工内程机器人可以容上山入地、开洞筑路;农业机器人可以耕耘播种、施肥除虫;军用机器人可以排雷排弹…… Service robot can heal for your health care, cleaning security; Underwater robots can help salvage wreck, laying cable; Engineering robot can open up the hill to the earth, hole road; Agricultural robot can work sowing, fertilization deinsectization; Military robots can PaiDan array......

❻ 安迪玛教育机器人真的可以学英语

各种补课班来宣传的噱头源基本为人工智能教育,让孩子更早的接触高科技,培养孩子的兴趣等等,而各位家长便是被这个人工智能的噱头忽悠了,因为我们没有接受到的教育就会让孩子享受到,生怕孩子在教育方面落下,所以,这么多的家长,孩子都落入了人工智能教育的圈套. 所谓的人工智能机器人课程并不只是去教孩子怎么去认识这个机器人,而是对孩子思维,情商,逆商的一种提高。现在的培训机构采用的智能教育机器人基本是那种会说话的,或者能放视频,当家庭影院的机器人,只要说会说话,家长便放弃了戒心,因为没有机器人会说话,会沟通的,这便是最明显的骗局。

❼ 机器人可以做什么用英语表是示五种功能

Robots are deeply our human life, to service robot as an example, the home service robot, entertainment leisure robot, robot ecation, public service robot, disabled rehabilitation robot, humanoid robots; and in the field of special robot, medical, security, space, water, protection, bionic robot also has the market. As the highest value of professional service robots, medical robots have been applied in more than 30 countries, and will be more widely used in the future market size of up to one hundred million yuan. Surgeons in the United States believes that the next three to five years of medical robot in operation rate will rise rapidly to a relatively high level, accounting for about 50%; is expected within the next four years, the medical robots will grow at a rate of 19% per annum, 2016 global market size estimation will grow to $119 billion, according to agency survey data. And based on the military needs, the future of the military robot market or can reach one hundred billion scale.

❽ 机器人能干什么(要中文也要英语)

What can robots do for us?(机器人能为我们做什么?)
Can robots bring us good things or bad things?The answers are different.
Some people think robots will make humans lose their jobs and make humans lazy.But other people think robots are good .Robots can do some work better than humans.Robots can do hard work.Robots can do dangerous work.Robots work without pay.I think robots are useful for us.

❾ 机器人能帮我们做什么 英语作文五句话

The robot is a marvel of modern engineering. Caregivers would save more than an hour a day if robots helped look after children, older people and did some housework, it added.As populations age, robots can also help old people stay in their homes for longer. Robotic ties could include reading books out loud or helping bathe the elderly. Surgeons, unassisted by robots, can carry out minimally invasive surgery alone, using long slender instruments that are inserted through a small cut.
The robot is a good man's assistant.

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